The effectiveness of Meligen Performance is primarily due to the fact that eyelashes and eyebrows grow due to the body’s own forces; the serum acts only as a stimulant. It is also important that this serum, which has European quality, is produced in Russia. It greatly simplifies eyelash care after extensions and even allows you to do without this procedure, making your own eyelashes truly beautiful.
Ingredients: purified water, aculyn™ modifier, bimatoprost, benzalkonium chloride.
The products are manufactured in accordance with STO 23377026-010-2016.
Complies with the requirements of TR CU 009/2011 On the safety of perfumery and cosmetic products.
Description of the active component: Bimatoprost is a synthetic substance of the class of fatty acid amides, a structural analogue of prostaglandin. Prostaglandins are bioactive substances responsible for many processes in the body, including hair growth; the synthesis of prostaglandins occurs in the epithelium of the hair follicle. Bimatoprost activates the supply of nutrition to the follicles, which increases the number of active hair follicles and prolongs the life of eyelashes.
Phases of eyelash growth:
Contraindications: hypersensitivity to components, age under 18 years, pregnancy, lactation.
Storage conditions: store in a dry place at a temperature from +5°C to +25°C. Shelf life: 2 years, after opening the bottle, use within 2 months.
What woman doesn't dream of luxurious eyelashes? Unfortunately, not everyone has been blessed by nature with such a treasure, and many have eyebrows that are far from ideal. To give splendour, beauty and expressiveness to both, many cosmetic products and methods have been created, including extensions, mascara, false eyelashes, lamination. This allows you to create an appearance, but only for a while. And after extensions and lamination, you have to decide how to quickly restore eyelashes. After procedures without assistance, eyelashes will take a long time to recover. Because of this, there is an opinion that eyelash extensions harm eyelashes. Fortunately, today there is a truly effective product - Meligen Performance Eyelash and Eyebrow Growth Serum.
Bimatoprost is a synthetic substance of the class of fatty acid amides, a structural analogue of prostaglandin. This direction in the field of eyelash care was found in the field of medicine, more precisely, ophthalmology. Ophthalmologists often have to solve such a problem as increased eye pressure in patients, and to reduce it they use a special substance - bimatoprost. It has been observed that when using eye drops containing it, a number of interesting side effects are observed:
This attracted the attention of cosmetologists, and the idea arose to create a serum that stimulates the growth of eyelashes and eyebrows, which will be used precisely for such effects. The eyelash growth serum contains bimatoprost, which is much more effective than any balm containing Usma leaf oil or complex multi-component formulations. Burdock hair serum also cannot be compared with it in terms of impact.
Each of our eyelashes lives on average 135 days and goes through 3 stages:
When the root of the new hair begins to mature, the old eyelash falls out. Typically, an eyelash grows by 65% of its length, and thanks to the serum, the eyelash grows to its genetic maximum, i.e. up to 100% of its possible length. Since bimatoprost (a prostaglandin analogue), which is part of the product, activates the supply of nutrients to the hair follicles, which, firstly, prolongs the stage of active hair growth, and secondly, increases the number of hair follicles. As a result, the eyelashes become longer and thicker, and their colour is richer, which happens absolutely naturally, without side effects or addiction! Prostaglandins and their synthetic analogues are classified as hormone-like substances, but they are not hormones.
Meligen Performance mascara will help restore eyelashes after extensions at home. However, if you have such a product, it is not necessary to resort to this procedure at all: the essence of eyelash extensions is to glue artificial ones, and this serum will make your own eyelashes beautiful. Cosmetologists recommend using it in the following cases:
Eyelash growth activator serum can be used as part of regular eyebrow and eyelash care. This also applies to those who wear eyelash extensions, and there is no need to remove them before using the serum. It is indispensable when laminating eyelashes and after eyelash extensions in order to increase the effect of this procedure and reduce its possible negative consequences.
Many women are interested in the question of how to use Meligen Performance eyelash growth serum. You can do this once a day in the morning or evening:
When the desired effect is achieved, it needs to be secured by continuing to use the serum, but this should no longer be done daily, but two to three times a week. As a rule, three weeks are enough to achieve the required effect, and the total duration of the course is two months, after which the entire eyelash row will grow to its maximum length. After completing the course within a month, the eyelash row will change and they will be of normal length. If you want to maintain this effect for a longer period, we recommend that you do not suddenly stop using the product.
Meligen Performance is not only effective, but also safe. For example, why do my eyelashes hurt after eyelash extensions? This is because the glue used contains formaldehyde, which can cause an allergic reaction. Meligen Performance does not contain such a substance, therefore there is no danger of allergies. There are reviews about Meligen Performance from real customers; you can read them on marketplaces.
Everyone who has used this serum notes the following: already after two or three weeks of using the product, its effect becomes noticeable
The effectiveness of Meligen Performance is primarily due to the fact that eyelashes and eyebrows grow due to the body's own forces; the serum acts only as a stimulant. It is also important that this serum, which has European quality, is produced in Russia. It greatly simplifies eyelash care after extensions and even allows you to do without this procedure, making your own eyelashes truly beautiful.